Worship With Us

What is Our Worship Style?

  • God-centred so that anyone can learn about, engage with, and encounter God.

  • Welcoming of all worshippers, visitors, and observers to watch or participate as they want.

  • Comfortable, warm, and friendly atmosphere.

  • Liturgical, following a specific structure and set prayers written in a book to guide the individual to encounter God.

  • Classically Anglican style of worship.

When Do We Worship?

  • EUCHARIST 10:00 AM

    Our Sunday morning Eucharist is warm and friendly in a classically Anglican style.


    We listen to four readings from the Christian Scriptures, followed by a 15-20 minute explanation of the Christian Faith.


    Most of the structure and prayers of the worship service is set. The congregation prays many prayers aloud together. The structure & prayers are laid out in either a green or red prayer book on your chair.


    The congregation sings 5 or 6 hymns throughout the service from a blue hymn book, accompanied by an organ or piano.


    Christians eat bread and drink wine in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

    Who Can Have Communion?

    All Christians baptised with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are welcome to receive Communion.

    How Do We Receive Communion?

    You are invited to walk through your row to the centre aisle. Then, walk to the front to receive the bread and wine.

    Please note that wine is offered in two chalices in line with our policy of using a ‘common cup.’

    What About Dietary Accommodations?

    You may ask for a gluten-free wafer when it is your turn to receive communion.

    You are also permitted to receive only the bread or only the wine. If, for example, you are not receiving wine, cross your arms in the shape of an ‘x’ across your chest whenever you approach the person with the wine.

    In the case of not receiving wine, you may touch the base of the chalice in a moment of contemplation.

    What If I Don’t Receive Communion?

    If you do not receive the bread and wine, you are still invited to walk to the front. Cross your arms in the shape of an ‘x’ across your chest to indicate that you would prefer to receive a blessing.


    Worship on the first 3 Sundays of the month is in Contemporary English using the green Book of Alternative Services, 1985.

    Worship on the 4th Sunday of the month is in Classical English using the red Book of Common Prayer, 1962.


    On the 1st Sunday of the month, join us after the service for Sandwich Sunday — enjoy a cup of tea, snacks, and sandwiches, while meeting the people in our church community.


    Children are welcome to join Godly Play during the service — please scroll down the web page to find more information on how children can worship!


    There is no required dress code. Dressy casual is typically seen, while some wear business casual.

  • Evening Prayer in the Chapel 8:00 - 8:45 PM

    A quiet, spoken service in a small-group setting, prayed in the classical English of the Book of Common Prayer, 1962, and concluding with a 15 minute sermon to set the tone for the upcoming week.

  • Eucharist + Bible Study 9:30am

    A celebration of the Eucharist with Bible Study in a small group setting. Ideal for those who are looking to learn more about our Christian faith.

  • Messy Church 1:00 - 3:00 PM

    1st Saturday of the Month (Oct - May)

    A family and child-friendly Saturday afternoon with an informal and loosely structured setting of games, songs, crafts, snacks, and a short Bible story.

How Can Children Worship?

Godly Play

Sunday 10:00am Sept - June

A play-based and question-filled approach to learning the Christian Faith for children. Children begin in the main worship with their accompanying adult(s) before being welcomed into a different room for Godly Play. A minimum of two adults are always present at Godly Play.

Messy Church

1st Saturday 1:00 - 3:00pm Oct - May

A family and child-friendly Saturday afternoon with an informal and loosely structured setting of games, songs, crafts, snacks, and a short Bible story.