Sunday Morning
Eucharist @ 10am
How Do I Follow the Service?
Most of the structure of the service and the prayers are laid out in either a green or red prayerbook on your chair. The congregation prays many prayers aloud together.
How Do You Use the Bible?
We listen to four readings from the Christian Scriptures, followed by a 15-20 minute explanation of the Christian Faith.
What Do I Wear?
There is no required dress code. Dressy casual is typically seen; some wear business casual.
What is the Singing Style?
The congregation sings 5 or 6 hymns throughout the service from a blue hymn book, accompanied by an organ or piano.
Who Can Have Communion?
All Christians baptised with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are welcome to receive Communion.
How is Communion Distributed?
Walk through your row to the centre aisle. Then, walk to the front to receive the bread and wine.
Please note that wine is offered in two chalices in line with our policy of using a ‘common cup.’
What If I Don’t Receive Communion?
If you do not receive the bread and wine, you are still invited to walk to the front to receive a blessing. Cross your arms in the shape of an ‘x’ across your chest to indicate that you would prefer to receive a blessing.
Language Styles
Worship on the first 3 Sundays of the month is in Contemporary English using the green Book of Alternative Services, 1985.
Worship on the last Sunday of the month is in Classical English using the red Book of Common Prayer, 1962.
What about Children?
Children are always welcomed at church. Children are invited to join Godly Play during the service. Learn more about Godly Play.
Sunday Social
On the 1st Sunday of the month, join us after the service for a Sunday Social Sunday — enjoy a cup of tea and a light lunch while meeting the people in our church community.

What is Our Worship Style?
God-centred — we gather to encounter God.
Welcoming — anyone can observe or participate as they are comfortable.
Comfortable — warm & friendly atmosphere.
Liturgical — to guide the individual as they encounter God, services follow a specific structure written in a book.
Classically Anglican — true to our tradition that touches today.